EUREKA Clusters Info day - Specific focus on EURIPIDES2

Prague - 31 May 2018
Ministry of education, youth and sports of the Czech Republic
Karmelitská 529/5, Praha 1, Postal code 118 12


10:00 EUREKA Clusters - Essential instruments for global competitiveness
Josef Martinec, CZ EUREKA NPC

10:20 EUREKA Cluster EURIPIDES² - Winning proposal
Rémy Renaudin, EURIPIDES² Operation Manager

10:40 Support and advices for successful project involving in EURIPIDES²
Marek Valdmann, BIC Ostrava, member of the EURIPIDES² Board

11:00 Testimony of the University of West Bohemia in EURIPIDES² projects
Radek Soukup and Ales Hamáček, University of West Bohemia

11:20 CZ national funding EURIPIDES² projects
Josef Martinec, CZ EUREKA NPC

11:40 Questions and answers

12:00 B to B meetings on request

Presentations available for download

  1. EUREKA Clusters
  2. EUREKA Cluster EURIPIDES² - Winning proposal
  3. Support and advices for successful project involving in EURIPIDES²
  4. Testimony of the University of West Bohemia in EURIPIDES² projects
  5. Czech Republic and EUREKA Clusters
  6. EURIPIDES² brochure

Užitečné odkazy

Stáhněte si brožuru s podrobným popisem toho, co EUREKA klastry jsou, co je dělá zásadními a jak úspěšný je jejich dopad na nové ekonomické a společenské výzvy.